Open for Business -- Sept, 2017
It's been a long time coming, even more so for people who've been helping me by testing and giving their feedback, since some of them want to get the word out or actually buy production lights.
Almost a year ago I was ready to move into production, but the final prototype LED strips came in and when tested they ran too hot (running cool was a critical design point). So it was back to the drawing board. Having lost confidence in that manufacturer, I started my component search over from scratch. Ultimately I decided to use a totally different LED diode.
This store launch is coinciding with Frogday 2017, with the help of Chris Sherman who generously offered to display one of my lights on top of his amazing custom vivariums at his booth there. Over the past month Chris also supplied me with invaluable feedback and tips that only a veteran fabricator could come up with to make this a much better product.
I hope that the Design page will answer most of your product and technical questions, as time goes by I will develop a FAQ page which should help even more.